Winners of the Technical Congress FICEM 2013: ARGOS, UNACEM and Cementos Progreso

Fernando Dueñas, Area Sales Manager de Cemengal, Winner of a complimentary booth at the XXXIth Technical Congress FICEM, with awards Firts Prize (Cementos Argos) and Secon Prize (UNACEM). With the participation of 358 representatives from the engineering and production areas at cement manufactures in Latin  America and the Caribbean, and from the main technology and…

Artículo sobre la estación de molienda modular Plug&Grind en revista Cemento y Hormigón

Cemengal has published an article in the Spanish language most selling cement magazine about modular and portable grinding station Plug&Grind®. Cemengal SA has a new concept to produce high-quality cement from a quick and easily-located grinding plant. Called ‘Plug&Grind®’ (P&G), the new grinding plant design has already won much acclaim as a fast, simple and…

A new market solution: article about PLUG&GRIND® in Magazine World Cement May 2013.

In this article Angel Martin and Moisés Núñez, Cemengal, Spain, present the PLUG&GRIND®, modular and portable grinding station, an alternative solution for cement grinding and packing, with an introduction from Dario del Frate, General Manager of Cemengal. The PLUG&GRIND®, with very low investment costs, is a solution for cement producers to test new markets or…